Wright Morris’ Boyhood Home

The Wright Morris Boyhood Home at 304 D was the residence of Will Morris and his son for five years before they moved to Omaha in 1919.

“In the large room at the front, where I lie with pneumonia, the panels of colored glass in the window make a bright pattern on the bedclothes…A huge bear-like man, with a booming voice, comes in with the winter trapped in his coat. He is Dr. Brown…For reasons that are not clear he only comes to see me when I am sick.”

From Will’s Boy

“In the Platte Valley of Nebraska…the dark caves under front porches were all favored places of concealment. With Br’er Fox I shared the instinct to lie low. Seated in the dust as fine as talcum. My lap and hands overlaid with a pattern of shadows, I peered out at the world through the holes between the slats.” 

From Earthly Delights, Unearthly Adornments